27. November 2020
To our great pleasure, Henkel participated as a new community member for the first time. Throughout the two days, we’ve experienced open and inspiring discussions related to the guiding theme “Challenges of global production networks”. In that vein, we addressed the current challenges posed by the corona pandemic extensively.
GPMC’s Center Director, Dr Jan-Philipp Prote, addressed both internal and external challenges that the global pandemic has caused in a dedicated Keynote Speech. Thus, practical examples were highlighted and overarching principles that can help to increase the resilience of value networks illuminated. Subsequently, contributions from the community followed, enriching the exchange to a great extent. For instance, Mr Siemons from KHS gave an informative guest contribution on the subject of “Portfolio Transfer”. In addition, Roman Senderek from FIR at RWTH Aachen University provided exciting insights with his guest contribution on the subject of “New Industrial Work – designing new working and learning environments”. Similarly, both Dr Stefan Kozielski from our new community member Henkel and Dr Thorsten Westermann from Miele enriched the meeting with contributions, that provided informative and exciting insights.
We thank all participants for the productive and insightful meeting and are already looking forward to the next meeting of the Global Production Community.
The Global Production Community

Participants of the community are enabled to critically analyze their own activities regarding the design of their network and to continue the development of their own abilities. The visits to the community partners during the networking events allow insights into various types of successfully designed global production networks. In effect, a non-competitive and confidential competence network is and will be developed systematically, allowing for intensive knowledge exchange with companies in other industry sectors.
Related GPMC-Study
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